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Medical Services

Idéologie MD

Medical Services

During the first medical consultation at Idéologie MD, patients will be assessed by either Dr Miron or Dr Pomerleau. Goals and treatment options will be discussed to ensure each patient are well informed in order to decide on an approach that will meet their needs. Suitability for treatment and potential side-effects will be reviewed prior to treatment. For a medical consultation covered by OHIP your family physician will need to send a referral if appropriate. 


Varicose Veins Treatment (Sclerotherapy)

Do you suffer from unsightly or painful varicose veins?

Have you been searching for a minimally invasive treatment to improve your leg health and appearance?

Varicose veins affect a significant portion of the population and can cause discomfort, heaviness, and even swelling in the legs. Beyond aesthetics, they can impact your overall well-being and mobility.

Sclerotherapy is a proven treatment designed to alleviate these symptoms. By injecting a special solution directly into the affected veins, sclerotherapy causes them to shrink and fade over time. This treatment is effective, minimally invasive, and requires little to no downtime.

At Idéologie MD, we provide personalized consultations to ensure sclerotherapy is the right solution for you. Let us help you regain your comfort and confidence.

Varicose Veins Treatment (Sclerotherapy)

Do you suffer from chronic migraines affecting your quality of life?

Did you try several medical and other modalities to help with the frequency and severity of your migraines?


We estimate that 12% of Canadians suffer from migraines. 1 to 2 % of the population suffer from chronic migraines (frequency of 15 migraine episodes per month or more) (Source It can have a significant impact on quality of life affecting sleep, mental health, social life, family dynamics and work capacity.


This medical condition can be complex to treat, involving intervention on lifestyle, different physical therapies and trial of medications to treat crisis and prevent them. Botulinum toxins (such as Botox) remain an option of treatment for people with chronic migraines refractory to usual treatment modalities, aiming improvement of frequency and intensity of migraines episodes.


After an appropriate medical evaluation at Idéologie MD, or upon referral from a healthcare professional, you may benefit from botulinum toxin injections for your chronic migraines. If you qualify for the treatment, most private insurance plan will cover.

Medical Neuromodulator Injectables for
Chronic Migraines

​Medical Neuromodulator Injectables for Chronic Migraines
Idéologie MD

Are you uncomfortable from your excessive sweating?

Does your excessive sweating dictate your choice of clothes or social activities?


Excessive sweating, better known as hyperhidrosis, is a relatively common problem, that can cause significant discomfort for people presenting this issue. It can be difficult to control moderate to severe hyperhidrosis with standard antiperspirants. Hyperhidrosis often worsens with the slightest exercise, heat or stress, but can even occur at rest. The most common areas of excessive sudation are the axillas (armpits), hands, feet and head. Depending on the severity, it can have a significant impact on people’s confidence and function.

After an appropriate medical evaluation at Idéologie MD, or upon referral from a healthcare professional, you may benefit from botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis. If you qualify for the treatment, most private insurance plan will cover.

Medical Neuromodulator Injectables
For Hyperhidrosis

​Medical Neuromodulator Injectables For Hyperhidrosis

Masseter Muscles (Clenching and Teeth Grinding)

Masseter Muscles (Clenching and Teeth Grinding)

Do you have dental issues such as teeth grinding or clenching of the jaw, resulting in tension in your masseter muscles causing tension and discomfort? Or dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)?


Masseter muscles serve primarily to mastication, an essential function. They are also involved in abnormal clenching of the jaw and teeth grinding. This can result in hypertrophy of the muscle and facial pain creating tension on the TMJ and temples, which can contribute to headaches.


For people who tried different modalities of treatment without optimal relief, neuromodulators (botulinum toxins such as Botox) injections can be a treatment option.


After an appropriate medical evaluation at Idéologie MD, or upon referral from a healthcare professional, you may benefit from botulinum toxin injections for your masseter muscles tensions.


After an appropriate medical evaluation at Idéologie MD, or upon referral from a healthcare professional, you may benefit from minor surgery to treat various skin problems.

Idéologie MD has the expertise, knowledge and medical equipment to perform minor surgeries, skin biopsies, excisions by cryotherapy/electrodessication/electrocautery or removal of skin lesions such as:

  • Nevus

  • Skin tag

  • Seborrheic keratosis

  • Actinic keratosis

  • Suspicious skin lesions

  • Cyst

  • Abscess

  • Lipoma

  • Cherry angioma

  • Wart

  • Dermatofibroma

Minor Skin Procedures

Minor Skin Procedures
Bare Feet

After an appropriate medical evaluation at Idéologie MD, or upon referral from a healthcare professional, you may benefit to treat your painful or unhealthy toenail.


Idéologie MD has the expertise, knowledge and medical equipment to perform toe nail interventions, based on the root of the problem, such as:

  • Partial or complete toenail removal (onychectomy)

  • Vandenbos procedure

  • Treatment of onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nails)

Ingrown Toenails
(Nail Excision and Vandenbos Procedure)

​Ingrown Toenails (Nail Excision and Vandenbos Procedure)
Idéologie MD

Joint Injection
for Osteoarthritis and Bursitis

​Joint Injection for Osteoarthritis and Bursitis

After an appropriate medical evaluation at Idéologie MD, or upon referral from a healthcare professional, you may benefit from a joint, peri-articular or bursae injection.


Idéologie MD has the expertise, knowledge and medical equipment to perform joint and bursae inejctions, such as:

  • Knee osteoarthritis with Kenalog (cortisone) or Synvisc (hyaluronic acid) – with confirmation of the disease by imaging

  • Knee bursitis

  • Shoulder bursitis or tendonitis

  • Greater trochanter bursitis

  • Olecranon bursitis

  • Lateral or medial epicondyle tendonitis (‘tennis elbow’ or ‘golfer elbow’)


Nexplanon Contraception
Implant & Removal

After an appropriate medical evaluation at Idéologie MD, or upon referral from a healthcare professional, Nexplanon implant may be a good contraception option for you.


Idéologie MD has the expertise, knowledge and medical equipment to guide you through this contraception journey. Insertion and removal can be done.


Some facts about Nexplanon: 

  • Implanted under the skin

  • Progesterone only is release (etonogestrel)

  • Good for 3 years

  • Very high birth control efficacy (over 99%)

Learn More

Our range of treatments at Idéologie MD is designed to help you look and feel your best, from expert care for varicose veins to rejuvenating cosmetic procedures. We are committed to delivering exceptional results with a personalized approach.

Learn more by contacting us—click the button below.

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